Anarchist Season 2 Book 4 Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 15
Estimated words: 13096 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 65(@200wpm)___ 52(@250wpm)___ 44(@300wpm)

"He barged in about five minutes before you did and muttered something to Kat before dragging her out of the room." Why the fuck is she blushing? From the way the rest of them acted, I wondered just what exactly he'd walked in on them doing that had made him react that way. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Brand leaning in close to whisper in his woman's ear.

I guess he was about to tell her that we knew what the hell she and her crew have been up to. Then again, if what I suspect is true about just how Clay got the news out of Ginger-Lee, she may already know that that cat's out the bag.

I know he has the good sense not to tell her how Mancini found out. We've decided to keep that ace in the hole for future fuckery. Now, all we have to do the next time they get up to some shit is have Mancini snoop behind his woman. I can't believe this girl has got me to the point where that shit is even on my radar. Shit, I almost forgot about Lyon.

"What were you lot doing when he walked in?" She got twitchy, and I noticed Ginger-Lee wasn't looking too comfortable either. The room looked set for a showdown with the men towering over their women while the women tried to look as innocent as possible for this bunch.

We'd already decided not to take them to task for getting into shit since it was pretty understandable what they'd been up to. I was also secretly pleased that they had the presence of mind to stand up for one another.

They haven't had it easy living here; none of them have, seeing as how they've been virtual prisoners for the better part of a year or so. That's another reason why I want this shit over and done with.

It's been more than a year since they've had the freedom to move around beyond the walls of the ranch turned compound, and I imagine they're chomping at the bit to get out.

I hadn't been too jazzed about making the trip to New York to see Mancini and his girl before, but now that I think of it, I guess I can make my way through it. I hate fucking big cities.

"We weren't doing anything, what could we have been doing? We've been here all morning." I told her ass about lying to me; I'll deal with that later. The last time I chastised her in front of her girls, she sulked for damn near a whole week.

And since I can't fuck her out of her snit because she just gave birth to my son, I think it best to leave that shit alone. For now, I just gave her a look to let her know that I wasn't buying her shit and focused my attention back on my son before his mother drove me up the damn wall.

When I looked up again Brand was still to the side whispering to his girl with his kid in his arms; Creed was rubbing his wife's very pregnant tummy, Ginger-Lee was giving Clay the stink eye while Travis and Kyle were trying to make time with their women.

You wouldn't think that we were all waiting for a phone call that could lead to us shedding blood in the next few hours. I hefted my son onto my shoulder and headed to the kitchen for something to nibble on. Gotta remember to tell the sheep not to cook anymore, or I'll starve to death.


* * *

I'm anxious to get back home, but there's no way I can leave now with Law's pigeon in the area. After all the shit he's done for me, no way am I leaving him to handle this shit alone no matter what his bitch ass says.

He's not thinking straight because the shit's too close to home, but from everything I've learned, the asshole sheriff is just waiting for an excuse to take him down. One wrong move, and it'll be his ass, but does he hear me? Hardheaded ass!

Creed and I have already decided, no matter how much he bitches, we're taking point on this one. This isn't our backyard, so who the fuck would be looking at us for it if we off this hump? His ass better get dead soon because people got shit to do.

I just have to figure out a way to do this shit while Law is somewhere with a whole lotta eyes on him. That way, no matter who says what, they can't pin this shit on him. That shouldn't be too hard to do, not with all the hands I can call on to help.

I've already made a call back home to make sure my family was doing okay. I'd left some men on them, of course, but I can never get too relaxed when I'm away from my little ones. Of course, I've come to trust that if some shit went south, Hitler's youth would call me with her shit.


