Captive Bride (The Secret Bride #1) Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance, Suspense, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: The Secret Bride Series by Alta Hensley

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 56078 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 280(@200wpm)___ 224(@250wpm)___ 187(@300wpm)

“I wasn’t sure how you liked your eggs,” I say as I reach back with my foot and close the door shut.

“Please tell me what’s inside that mug is coffee,” he says which makes me look up and see he has a smile on his face. He also has washed off the dirt on his exposed skin and has rinsed the matted blood from his hair.

“It’s black, but I can get cream or sugar if you want.”

I hope he doesn’t want sugar because I have very little of it, and I want to save what I do possess so I can make a cake later as a special treat. Papa Rich doesn’t make a supply run for a few days, and I doubt he will make any exceptions.

“Black is perfect. So is scrambled. I’m not picky.”

I let out the breath I’m holding, and hand him the tray. Not sure if I should remain in the room or not, I look for my cat. She has jumped up on the crate I sat on last time I was in the room. It’s like she is making the decision for me. So, I sit.

“I didn’t put anything in the food,” I inform, although I quickly regret saying it as I see his body tense. But I also don’t want him doubting every bite as he eats.

“What’s your cat’s name?” he asks as he drinks from the coffee first.

“Pine Cone,” I answer as I pet the top of her gray head, needing the sound of her content purr to ease my discomfort. I’m not used to sharing air space with another, especially during the day while Papa Rich is at work.

“I’m sorry,” he says with a mouthful of eggs. “I didn’t mean to snap at you like I did. I’m sure you can understand my frustrations.”

“I do. I was down here for a long time once. And… I sometimes have to come to the cellar and be very, very quiet during inspection times. My father wants to make sure that I’m not spotted by anyone during the yearly State inspections.”

“How long until they do another inspection?”

I know why he is asking, but I don’t blame him. “They were just here about a month ago. So, another year is when we can expect a visit. They don’t deviate from the schedule… or at least not since I’ve lived here.”

“While you were upstairs cooking, I was thinking.”

I don’t say anything but run my fingers through Pine Cone’s fur to soothe me. This man makes me nervous, and I need any help I can not to start shaking exactly where I sit.

“So, if we get married”—he takes a drink of coffee—“when we get married, I will need to still work and provide for our family.” He looks at me seriously, the steam from the coffee circling around his face as he sips. “I can’t do my job from here. My office is in New York, and I travel a lot to get the pictures I need. You understand that once we are wed, I can’t stay here. We can’t stay here. Right?”

My heart skips and the overwhelming… euphoria… nearly closes my airway. He wants to provide. He said the word family. He is talking marriage and our future.

“I’m sure Papa Rich has—”

“Let me tell you something about men. It’s in our nature to provide.” He bites into the bacon and pauses as I see his eyes search my face. “A strong man wants to lead his family. I understand that your father is the head of the household for you currently. But, when we get married, that role changes. I will be your husband. I will have to make decisions that are best for us. You understand that, I’m sure.”

Did I? I suppose it makes sense that Christopher would want to be the one in charge. Not my father.

“We don’t have to make a final decision right now,” he says, which puts my swirling mind at ease a little. “I just want to plant the seed. That we do have to discuss our future and my career eventually. I can’t provide for you financially and keep a roof over our heads unless I work. And I can’t do that here.”

“I don’t think Papa Rich will allow us to leave,” I say, scared that I will upset Christopher again because I like this new side of him I’m seeing.

But rather than his eyes darkening, and his jaw tightening like I am getting used to seeing, he smiles again. “We can plan all that later. It’s always hard for parents to let go of their children and allow them to go and spread their wings. I get that. We don’t have to tell him our plans yet. Let’s just wait on that. Let him get used to the fact that another man is about to steal his daughter away… so to speak. Even though he wants you to get married, this is still going to be really tough for him. So, we can keep all our marriage talk between us for now.”


