Cecilia – The Doll Duet Read online M.K. Moore

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 21
Estimated words: 19577 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 98(@200wpm)___ 78(@250wpm)___ 65(@300wpm)

I hate that he was with other women, but I can’t really hold that against him. He didn't even know I existed. I nod my head until the last part of what he said hits me. We had sex without protection, and I mean a lot of fucking went down in the last couple of hours. I gasp and pull back so fast that my chair tips over and I would have fallen on the floor if not for G grabbing me around the waist and pulling me against his hard body.

“Christ are you okay?” he asks, breathing hard. Well if you consider that I had sex with the hottest man alive and we didn’t use protection, so I am probably going to have his baby. I am surprised I'm not hyperventilating; I think to myself.

“G… I’m not on the pill and we didn’t use anything,” I whisper looking at his chest. I'm too nervous to look into his eyes because every time I do, I swear, he is looking straight into my soul. If he looks at me, I'm afraid he'll see that for some reason I hope I get pregnant because if this isn't real, at least I will always have a piece of him with me. He takes a deep breath then blows it out slowly. It takes everything in me not to cringe away when he tucks his finger under my chin and tilts my head back until I am looking at him. I am shocked that he is the one that looks a little nervous.

“The first time we made love, I’ll admit I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot all about using protection. The second time I was very well aware we didn't use anything. The thought of you getting pregnant filled a primal need in me. All I could think about was getting you pregnant so you couldn’t leave me. Then I was going to make you fall in love with me, so you’d never leave.” I inhale sharply.

“Why do you want me to fall in love with you Gerard?” I ask, my heart pounding. He puts his forehead against mine.

“Because I am already head over heels in love with you, Cecilia.” I’m not even sure what kind of noise comes out of me. It’s a half-squeak, half whimper as I throw my arms around his shoulders and kiss him with everything I have. He growls and his hands on my hips tighten. He kisses me with just as much need. We only break apart because we need air.

“I love you too, G…” I tell him breathlessly. He growls and gives me a feather light kiss.

“Good because I fucking love you and I don’t plan on ever letting you go.”

“Mmm... Okay,” I say nodding my head. He gives me one of his sexy as sin smirks.

“Now that that's settled, we are heading to LA in a couple of hours. Is there anything that you want to grab from your mom's place before we go?” he asks standing up from his spot and taking the plates back to the kitchen sink like he didn't just drop a bombshell on me. My mouth pops open.

“Wait, what?”

“Do you have anything you need from your mother's house before we go home?” he asks, chuckling.

“No, I don’t have anything there that can’t wait, but I don't have any other clothes with me. Are we really going to LA?”

“Yes, we are. The jet leaves at two. Since you don't have other clothes here, we can go shopping for a couple outfits, so you’ll have something to wear for a few days while you get settled in the LA penthouse. If you tell me what kind of toiletries you like to use, I can have my assistant drop them off at the house for when we arrive,” he says, making his way back to me.

“Ah… okay,” I say nodding my head. “I’ll make a list.”

“Perfect,” he replies, grinning.

Before I can respond he has me up and over his shoulder in the fireman's hold. I gasp.

“What are you doing?” I ask, causing him to chuckle and smack my ass. I can’t help the moan that comes out. I squirm in his hold, thoroughly turned on.

“Taking my woman to get in the shower so we can go shopping.”

“Mmm… As long as you promise to fuck me against the shower wall, I am all for it.” He growls and turns his head nipping my ass cheek.

“With pleasure, doll face.”

Damn, it looks like we are only going to have an hour to do our shopping...

“What do you think of this one?” G asks me, holding up a beautiful white and yellow striped sundress. We have been here for about thirty minutes. I thought he was just going to sit down and have a saleswoman pick out stuff, but he has been hands on the whole time. He seems to be enjoying me modeling all of the clothes he has been picking out. He brought us back to the strip and we are in an amazingly fancy shop that I didn’t even know was here, even though I have lived in Vegas my whole life. All I know is that I looked at one of the price tags and about had a heart attack. I am used to Walmart shopping, not oh here is a pair of jeans for two hundred dollars kind of shopping. When I told him I would be fine just going to the mall or Wally world he just shook his head and said “I only get the best for my girl” in a growly voice and proceeded to have me give him a personal fashion show.


