Dark Warrior (Warrior #2) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Warrior Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 97127 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

“Did he?” she asked, reciting a silent prayer for the lad.

“He did but could not journey as fast as the others. Roarke remained with him until help could be sent. By then my men were close on their trail, and to keep them from finding the lad and his rescuers, Roarke led them away and was caught. I feared I would not arrive in time to stop his torture.”

“I arrived in time,” she said proudly.

“You could have been caught.” His admonishment could not hide the pride in his voice.

“But I was not and Roarke is free, though in need of care.”

Decimus sat up. “Is he hurt badly?”

“He was only able to walk slowly, so I secured him a horse. He is on his way to Magnus’s keep.”

He sat up, looked to where his clothes lay discarded on the floor, his body tense with flight—then looked to her.

“Go, he needs your help,” she said, sensing his concern for his friend.

“I will see him safe and then return,” he said jumping out of bed and dressing with haste.

“And what am I to say if asked of your whereabouts?”

“I will return before anyone knows me gone, and no one would expect Decimus to keep his wife apprised of his whereabouts.” He leaned over and kissed her soundly.

“I cannot escape,” she said, a thought coming to her that might be useful.

“You must,” he said with sorrow and shook his head. “We have no time to discuss this now, we will talk of it when I return.”

She grabbed hold of his arm. “It cannot be an escape, Mich—Decimus.” It was imperative she remembered to call him Decimus and no other name for fear of making a mistake in front of someone. “The Church would forever hunt me. I must die and be laid to rest.”

He plopped down beside her on the bed. Her words were an added burden to his already heavy mind and heart. “You are right.”

“Then it is good that I am with child. I will grow large and a few months before I am to give birth, I can die due to problems with my pregnancy. No one would question my demise.”

“That is a good plan and one I had not considered. We will talk on it when I return.”

“I will miss you.” Her gentle words were a plea from a loving heart.

He reached out to raise her head to his. He captured her mouth with a kiss that stole her breath. “That will keep me strong in your memory until my return.” He eased her head back on the pillow and tucked the covers around her. “Sleep well, wife, know you are safe and know that I love you.”

He left and Mary lay in the quiet of the night, the crackle of the fire the only sound in the room. The startling discovery that Decimus and Michael were one remained fresh in her mind. If she had been more aware of the subtle hints that connected the two men, she might have realized Decimus’s charade.

How could one man always manage to outsmart another? Never had the Dark One failed in his rescue attempts. And he had found ways into supposedly impregnable fortresses and keeps. Black magic had been whispered along with the Dark One’s name, for no common man could call the darkness friend.

But it was with patience, intelligence, and illusion that Michael achieved his goal. While the Dark One was hunted, he stood before their very eyes and no one knew.

She empathized with him over the loss of his family, recalling her own pain in losing her parents. There comes a time, however, when revenge can do no more and it must be laid to rest and life must go on.

The idea of spending her life without Michael was not a thought she cared to consider. She would not allow him to abandon her and their child out of duty. Time at least now was on her side. She had a few months reprieve to fashion a plan of escape, not only for her but for her husband as well. She would need help for there was much to consider and prepare for, and who better to assist her than Reena and Brigid. That would mean confiding in them the truth of Decimus’s identity. Could she trust them?

Without a doubt, though the knowledge could prove dangerous to them. It would have to be their choice.

She yawned and stretched, feeling more content than she had in weeks. It had been two months since her harrowing escape had begun. Summer fast approached and the fields would soon be lush with crops, the meadows a plethora of wildflowers, and she would be growing heavy with child.

Fresh, new beginnings all around and that meant for Decimus as well.

They would start anew, she would make certain of it.


