Evil Boys Read Online Clarissa Wild

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, M-M Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 177
Estimated words: 176345 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 882(@200wpm)___ 705(@250wpm)___ 588(@300wpm)

It’s hopeless.

Completely and utterly hopeless.

What the fuck do I do?



More bullets ricochet against the wall behind us.

“Look who’s come into our den,” some guy in the back growls. “Boys, get them!”

A bunch of men pour into the hallways from all sides, sporting all sorts of guns and rifles, and my heart rate picks up while my body remembers what it felt like to be sieved with bullets.

Nathan shoves me aside and shoots at the people near the auction area while Felix flanks us and shoots at the men in the back.

“They’ve got us cornered,” Penelope grits, shooting at them too.

“We’ll fight our way through,” Kai replies.

“I’ll take the side. Caleb, you come with me,” Nathan growls. “Fuck all of them up.”

“Don’t forget why we’re here,” Penelope says. “Find Lana and get out.”

“Yeah, yeah, we got it,” Dylan replies, waving his gun around before he shoots a bunch of shots at the guys in the back.

When only one of them goes down, he throws the gun to the side. “Fuck it. It’s time for the big stuff.”

He pulls out his canister along with his lighter and sprays it all over his knives before he runs at them and lights them at the last second, setting the knives on fire.

“Yee-haw! Taste my flames, bitches!” he screams like a madman before stabbing some guy in the eye.

Alistair is behind him, jumping the victims so they can’t move while Dylan guts them.

To my left, Kai tries to fight off a Bonesmen who got too close and grabbed his arm, stopping him from shooting.

But no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to raise my gun and shoot.

My whole body shakes, and I can’t shrug off this fear I’m going to die.

Because I almost did.

And the guy who shot me stands in the hallway, staring me down with a challenging gaze.

“Milo!” Nathan’s voice pulls me from my thoughts. “Fight!”

Fight. That’s right. I came here to fight. To protect my friends.

“If you won’t fucking do it for yourself, do it for your fucking queen!” he yells.

My eyes open wide.

Lana. She’s in here somewhere.

“Queen?” Felix repeats, his face looking like he just got struck by lightning.

He chucks a knife at a guy in front of him and turns to face Nathan. “You’d better not be referring to Lana as a goddamn queen.”

“You don’t fucking know what she’s capable of,” Nathan growls back. “Milo, focus on saving her. Lana needs you.”

That’s right. She needs me.

My body stops shaking as my muscles tighten while I take a deep breath. And I push the gun back into my holster and grip my nunchucks instead. I storm at that fucking Bonesman who’s aiming to shoot and knock his gun from his hand, then hit him in the balls and the face in a triple knockout.

I steal his gun from him and tuck that into my holster too.

With a smirk, I tell Nathan, “Ready to kill some sons of bitches?”

He grins back and yells from across the hall, “Glad you’re back. Let’s fuck some Bonesmen up.”


I aim and shoot at one of the men in our way, but he jumps to the side right before it hits him.


A bullet hits me right in the shoulder, and I hiss in pain.

“You’re in Bones Brotherhood territory now, boy. You want to join these girls in the auction?” He laughs in a sinister way.

“WHERE IS LANA?” I growl back.

He laughs. “You’ll never see her again.”

“Did you sell her?” I scream and shoot at him again, the bullet hitting him in the thigh.

He grunts and stumbles but still shoots.



“There’s a ton more just like me waiting here for you. We’ll fuck you up and make you beg for mercy. You’ll never win this, boy!”

“I’ll fucking die trying,” I growl back, and I bolt toward him, avoiding every shot before I chuck my gun right at his face.

He looks shocked as the gun knocks him back, and I pull out my knife and jab it straight into his heart.

“You mess with my girl, you mess with me,” I say through gritted teeth before pulling the knife out of his chest and watching the blood spray out.

Another one runs up to me from behind with a knife in his hand, and I shove it into his belly before he can even get close. The gurgle that follows only makes my bloodlust grow.

“Where is she?” I roar through the hallways.

Alistair tugs at each door, starting in the back of the hallway, so I take the ones in the front, shooting open the locks before ripping the doors open. Most cells are empty, save for a few filled with boxes of weapons and drugs. In a few others, women shriek and rush past me toward the exit.

“Run for your life!” Alistair beckons them.

They would probably be sold just as Lana would be if I don’t get to her in time.


