Fate of a Faux (Lords of Rathe #2) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Forbidden, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 98580 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 493(@200wpm)___ 394(@250wpm)___ 329(@300wpm)

She reaches for them, but I yank back.

“No!” I frown, too weak to move when she simply advances again. “It’s cursed.”

London smirks, taking the Hellhound rope in her fists. “So am I.”

Her head snaps back, mouth opening, and my brothers and I gape as thick, grey fog pours from her mouth.

“Demonic smoke,” Creed breathes, awestruck. “It lives inside her.”


He shakes his head, and we stare at the fucking magnificent little creature before us. My creature.

My fucking future.

The veins in her forearms pound against her skin, the long scars from where she sliced herself open glittering.

The fog spreads the length of the room, taking my brothers and I in its arms. The red ropes turn blue, and then black and then fade to ash as we’re lowered to the floor. Too weak to stand, we slump there, stretching our limbs and listening to the war just outside these walls.

London didn’t come alone.

She drops at my feet, taking my face in her palms. “They’re coming. We only have a few minutes.” She nods and then lowers my head into her neck.

I don’t hesitate. I sink my fangs into her neck and drink her in, her blood lighting up my insides like never before. She gasps but presses me closer, whispering, “Sinner needs energy,” she tells me.

She's not exactly asking, but she is making sure I’m not going to fight her on this. If I did, she might just kill me, because this perfect fucking woman didn’t just come here for me. She came for all of us.

She came for her family.

I pull my teeth from her, lifting my lips just enough to free the words. “Feed him.”

My mouth falls back to her skin and she shifts instantly, whispering his name.

I feel the moment his teeth puncture her skin, but my bond doesn't want to murder him, instead it sits calm … almost grateful for our mate’s devotion.

“Haide, please,” London begs someone, fighting against the pleasure this moment shouldn't bring but does. “They’re too far. It can’t wait. There’s no time.”

There’s a low curse behind me, and then footsteps.

“Here,” the girls says sassily.

“Get away from me,” Legend snarls.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” I hear the flop of leather, and the unmistakable sound of a weapon drawn, and then a new scent fills the air. She’s cut herself, and her double yelp tells me both my brothers have latched on.

As fast as they complain, they growl and I drop back on my ass, breathing deeply and relishing in the reboot of energy.

“What the fuck?” the girl croaks.

I look over to find the dark-haired girl staring wide-eyed at her wrist, and then I look at Legend. His teeth are descended, claws cutting through the marble at his feet. Blood drips in thick lines down his chin and a deep rumble vibrates toward the girl while Creed still sucks from her tanned skin, his eyes on her face the entire time.

She looks to Legend and his eyes turn white. The girl shakes, trying to tug herself free but he holds her still.

“Villaina,” the girl edges expectantly.

London runs her hand through Sinner’s hair as he feeds from where he bit through the fabric over her thigh. Her eyes meet mine and so much passes between us with that one look. Too fucking much.

She opens her mouth to speak but the harsh beat of thunder crackles in the air and her eyes widen.

All of us jump to our feet, bodies still wounded, but energy full. Power washes over me, and I look down to find black tactical pants and a black long sleeve now covering my skin, my brothers in matching gear.

London smiles, proud of her work, and I grip her by the throat, yanking her to me.

She gasps, dark eyes fucking brilliant and shining with my own reflection. Mine flare white and her lips curve even higher. I dive in, ready to attack her fucking lips, to finally feel them on mine again, but just as they press to her skin, I’m not met with fluffy fucking velvet. My eyes narrow and I reach up to find a ski mask pulled low over mine and my brother's faces.

We’re dressed like the guards, and I glare when I realize she’s not wearing one. Her and the girl match in clothing, but both leave their faces exposed.

“I don’t need to hide.” London flips her hair over her shoulder, spinning for the dark hall. “I want them to see me fucking coming.”

And then she bolts and fuck me.... we follow.

“London!” I yell out toward her when she rushes through the long corridor. The masses of people down below are loud, and I know that once we step out of this area, eyes are going to be on us.

“No time to talk, Knight—” I reach for her arm and pull her backwards, stopping her step.


