Finding His Heart Read online M.K. Moore

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 10
Estimated words: 9238 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 46(@200wpm)___ 37(@250wpm)___ 31(@300wpm)

“I wasn’t done,” I pout.

“I am not wasting any of my seed until you are good and knocked up, Nina. I thought I made that clear,” he says kissing me and putting me on my back. I grin and nod.

Then he’s inside me again. I wrap my legs around his waist in an attempt to get even closer to him. My heels dig into his ass on each thrust.

“I love you,” I gasp out as my orgasm rockets through my core.

“I love you too, Nina. Keep coming for me,” he demands, and I do so.

Afterward, I am rooting around in his fridge, coming up with nothing wearing nothing but his shirt from earlier.

“You have nothing to eat in this house,” I tell him, hands on my hips.

“Yeah, I don’t do much grocery shopping. I mostly eat takeout in my office.”

“That’s unacceptable,” I tell him leaving the room.

“Where are you going?” he asks, stopping me.

“I am going to the grocery store. I am perfectly capable of feeding my man a delicious homemade meal.”

“You cook?”

“Of course. My granny taught me everything I know.”

“Did she now?”

“She did.”

“Maybe I should give her a raise,” he says chuckling.

“Maybe you should,” I say. My granny has put damn near forty years for Thorne Industries. I am not saying she wasn’t well compensated, but everyone loves a raise. He follows me and watches me while I get dressed quickly and grab my purse. “Are you coming?” I ask, waiting by the bedroom door.

“Yes, of course,” he says throwing on some sweats and a tee shirt.

He takes my hand and leads me to out to the car. It all feels perfect.

Chapter Five


The following morning, everything moves at the speed of light. I have my great-grandmother’s ring on her finger before she even wakes up. When she does, she looks at her hand and then back to me.

“Don’t you have something to ask me?” she says.

“No. I believe I said all that needed to be said last night. Why? Did I not notify you well enough?”

“It’s not that. Actually asking the question might be nice,” she says.

“Asking implies you have the option to say no, which I won’t allow so it’s moot.”

“Who said I would say no?”

“Exactly, so what’s the point?”

“You are impossible, you know, that right?”

“I do. You knew what I was like before last night too.”

“You’re right. I am not sure why I am surprised you did it that way. It’s just that it’s the only proposal I am ever going to have. How can I talk about breeding when people ask about how you asked me?”

“You could leave that part out,” I say kissing her neck. Her breath hitches a bit, but she carries on normally.

“Fine. Fine. I’ll just tell the world about my cherry instead.” I pause my kisses.

“On second thought, your cherry is just for me. Nina Louise Firth will you marry me?” I say acquiescing to her request.

“There that wasn’t so hard was it, sugar?” she asks kissing me. Damn her voice is like velvet caressing my skin.

“No, baby, it wasn’t,” I tell her before sliding my cock home. From my position on top of her, it’s easy to do. Waiting patiently for her was hard to do, but now that we are here, I never want to stop fucking her. I hear this kind of lust wears off the longer you are with someone, but with us I highly doubt it. I’ll have her moved into my place by lunchtime. We drive over to her grandparents’ house. I chat with her grandfather, Gerald, while she and Tracy pack her clothes.

She said she just had a few mementos, but the thirteen suitcases and five giant boxes later, I go ahead hire a mover, since this stuff will never fit in my two-door car.

While Nina is talking with her grandfather, Tracy corners me in the kitchen.

“What the fuck are you thinking, Karl?” she whispers in that voice. You know the one your mom whispers to you in when you are acting up at church.

“Tracy, please. I love her,” I say hoping to reassure her.

“You don’t even know her.”

“I do know her. I have known her for over a year now.”

“Are you telling me this has been going on that long?”

“Of course not,” I say appalled that she would even think that.

“Good thing, Karl because that would be a crime.”

“Not in the state of New York, but I swear to you that I waited until she turned eighteen before I made a move.”

“God, that’s somehow worse,” she says rolling her eyes.

“Tracy, for God’s sake. You’ve known me since I was born. Do you really think I’d do something as crass as that?”

“Well, no. But I didn’t expect this either,” she says.

“I am not sorry I fell in love with her, but I suppose I could have handled it better. But it’s too late. She’s moving in with me and she’s agreed to marry me,” I tell her.


