Four Enemies – Four After Dark Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 58840 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 294(@200wpm)___ 235(@250wpm)___ 196(@300wpm)

“I’m not sharing a bed,” I announce once we see what we’re working with.

“Of course not,” Jordan says in a tone I can’t quite read.

“I’ll go back to the van,” I say, though it hurts to get the words out, because the beds do look supremely fluffy and plush.

Zane, who insisted on carrying my bag, like he always does, puts it down next to one of them. “Here okay?” he asks, and I look around at the men, not feeling right about forcing any of them to sleep on the floor.

“Take the bed, Brittany,” Owen says. “Don’t even think about it.”

“Are you sure?”

The others nod, so I agree. “I appreciate it,” I say, “but I’m going to expect to sleep tonight. No loud TV, no staying up ’til all hours.”

“That was probably on our list of rules from the Stantons,” Colin mumbles.

“Speaking of the Stantons, I need to check in with Chase. We can figure out dinner when I get back,” I tell them.

I’m not sure if Chase will even answer, because it’s showtime at Club Red, but he picks up on the second ring. I tell him what happened with the hotel, and give him the good news that the hotel agreed to give us the suite at the price of a standard room since it was their mistake.

“Well, thanks for making it work,” he says, “and tell the guys the same. To make up for the inconvenience, why don’t you order room service tonight? Treat yourselves, and charge it to the account. I’ve received glowing reports from the first two venues, so you should all celebrate getting the tour off to a great start.”

“That sounds great, Chase. Thanks. The guys will enjoy that.”

He and I discuss a few more details about the next day’s shows, and then I click off and head back up to the suite to give the men the good news.



“Add a bottle of whiskey to the order,” I tell Brittany, who’s entering our room service order into the hotel’s app.

She turns and gives me one of those irritated looks I’ve come to know and love over the past few days. “Whiskey? Getting drunk is against the tour rules.”

“Never mind. I’ll order it separately. Chase probably doesn’t want us drinking at all, so I’ll put it on my own card.”

“You’d better get two bottles,” Colin says. “I’ll chip in.”

She gives us both a disapproving look, but amazingly, she doesn’t protest.

“What do you want to eat, Colin?” she asks. “Are you feeling up to steak like everyone else?”

“Anything but hot dogs,” he says. “I’m feeling fine.”

“We’re gonna all be way better than fine after dinner and drinks,” I tell him.

When the food comes, we dig in immediately. It’s been far too long since lunch. Gathered around the room’s big round table, nobody says much for a while, except to comment on how good it all is. The steaks are big and juicy, and perfectly prepared.

As we start to get our fill, people begin to talk. Owen asks Brittany if she lives on Four Points, and how long she’s lived there. When she mentions that her sister, Lorraine, also lives on the island, Colin perks up. “Wait, Lorraine?” he asks.


“That’s not a very common name,” he says. “I heard some other dancers at the club saying they were involved with someone named Lorraine.”

Brittany’s cheeks turn pink, and I give the conversation my full attention.

“Is that your sister?” he asks.

Brittany nods, and Colin sets down his fork and knife.

“Your sister’s hooking up with four men?” he asks, sounding both excited and skeptical at the same time.

“I wouldn’t put it that way. They’re in a serious relationship.” Brittany takes a drink from her water glass and puts a very intentional focus on the food left on her plate.

Colin’s brow arches so high it practically disappears under his hairline. “Four men, huh?”

That is quite interesting.

“Do we want to eat dessert now or later?” Brittany asks, clearly wanting to change the subject.

“Wait, Brittany and Lorraine?” I ask, getting her attention, though she still looks flustered. “Were you named after the regions in France?”

Now her brows go up, and she smiles. “Yeah, we were. No one ever picks up on that.”

“Four men, huh?” Colin repeats.

After we clear the food and put the room service cart out in the hall, the five of us settle into the suite’s lounge area. Most of us guys had whiskey in our Coke with dinner, while Brittany refused, but I’d like to see her loosen up.

“How about a game of Never Have I Ever,” I suggest.

Brittany eyes the bottle of whiskey I’ve pushed into the center of the coffee table that’s between us. “I don’t think I should drink,” she says. “There are shows tomorrow.”

“The shows aren’t until late. Even the rehearsal isn’t until the afternoon, right?”

“That’s true,” she says, still sounding hesitant.


