Here Kitty Kitty Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Novella, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 20
Estimated words: 18102 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 91(@200wpm)___ 72(@250wpm)___ 60(@300wpm)

I waited for him to demand from me anything he wanted, but after only a heartbeat of time passed, the lights in my room flickered, my laptop glitched, and then everything went dark.

I sat on my bed for a second, seeing if the electricity would kick back on. Hard disappointment and a little bit of panic flared within me that the session got cut short. God, I wanted to do more with him. I wanted to see what he’d make me do. I wanted to see how far I’d let him go.

I checked my phone. The Wi-Fi was out, but my data worked. No message from him, which made that disappointment rise, because I would have gladly continued this little show on here, with the power out and only shadows around me.

I forced myself to get out of bed a few minutes later and headed to the fuse box. Just as I was about to put on my phone’s flashlight, everything illuminated, and I stood there glancing around. Although I wasn’t surprised the electricity had gone out because of the weather, something felt off.

I couldn't place it, but it was as if I wasn’t alone, when I stood by myself in an empty home. I didn’t move, this sensation one belonging to prey as it recognizes a predator is lying in wait.

Looking around proved I was by myself. My front door was locked, and I couldn't hear anything that would’ve set off these internal alarms.

Goose bumps littered my arms and legs, and I ran my hands over them, about to turn and head back to my room, when there were several loud bangs on the front door. Instinctively, I took several steps back, facing the door. I triple-checked it was locked, trying to reassure myself it was just debris from the storm.

But still, I held my breath, my heart beating rapidly in my ears as I stared at the doorknob. I didn’t know why I thought it would start turning, but there was a strong voice in my head that said I was in danger.

I had just let out the breath, finally convinced I was overreacting, my muscles releasing their tension, when suddenly, a voice came from my Echo Dot right next to me. “Open up, little girl. Let Daddy in, Kitten.”

I nearly screamed, but my heart was in my throat, not allowing the sound to release from my lungs. After seeing his silhouette on my screen earlier, I knew the lock on my door wouldn't keep out the man who was on the other side.

“You sent me the prettiest pussy shot earlier today, baby, but I know you thought about denying me. And that, you beautiful slut, will not be tolerated.”

His voice was gruff and deep, even through the speaker, and it occurred to me the Wi-Fi must’ve reconnected. Was that how he was able to Drop-In on my Alexa? How had he gotten past my privacy settings?

Probably the same way he got your phone number and found out your address.

“Little girl, we are done playing games.” There were three more hard pounds on the door, and I jumped and slapped my hand over my mouth to muffle the whimper that came out.

“Open the fucking door and be our good girl.”

Oh God… there were two of them, and they wanted in.

For me.

“Open up, little girl. Let Daddy in.”

“Open the fucking door and be our good girl.”

I replayed those words in my head over and over again.

My heart raced as my mind repeated, “We are done playing games,” as I knew there was nothing I could do to stop this.

I curled my hand around my cell, knowing I needed to just dial three numbers for help. I could’ve even told Alexa to do it for me. But I felt frozen from my panic and fear.

There was another series of knocks, these harder than the last.

My legs felt like pudding as they moved me closer to the door without my consent, my mind screaming at my hand to call the cops.

God, was this actually Mr. Mystery from my It’s ShowTime account?

I froze at that thought only a few feet from the front door.

“Open up, Kitten.”

This time, even as the rain continued outside, I heard his muffled voice through the wooden door at the same time I heard it loud and clear from my Echo. I shook my head as if he could see me and took a conscious step back. The doorknob started to turn, and even though it was locked, fear spiked through me.

The laugh that surrounded me was deep and dark, but it was the one that followed it that had me slapping my hand over my mouth again as my eyes widened.

“You think this pathetic little lock is gonna keep us out?”

Us. God, this was bad.

The male chuckles that came from both of them this time had every part of me tensing. The rain was letting up, but there was a new storm waging a war inside me as I stood there for long moments, just listening.


