Royal Read online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #4)

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 96260 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 481(@200wpm)___ 385(@250wpm)___ 321(@300wpm)

An emergency amendment to our no-messing-around rule? What had I been thinking? And why was I so willing to go against my better judgment in the name of getting off in Keeg’s mouth? Although, the answer to that was certainly in the very question.

“Hey, man,” Keegan said with an adorable smile before his expression turned serious and he averted his gaze.

I wondered if he worried that acting too enthusiastic about the night before might be a problem. At the same time, I couldn’t imagine Bryan or Frederick would take issue with our fun time together.

I introduced him to Bryan, official head of Parlaisan royal PR. He had helped our family throughout the years with all our interviews and major press events. If anything was a testament to his work, it was how he’d managed to help the family through my downfall and life immediately after rehab. Really, he was the only man for the job.

Bryan escorted us into the main living area of my suite. Keegan and I sat on the sofa, while Bryan and Frederick sat in chairs near us.

“Okay, you’ll have to sit closer than that. You know that, right?” Bryan said, glaring between Keegan and me.

I hadn’t realized it, but we were practically pushing to opposite sides, and it made me nervous about what we had shared the night before.

So much for the easy no-messing-around rule.

God, me and my greedy cock.

“Oh, yeah, of course,” Keegan said, scooting closer to me. I did the same, and as I reached him, hooked my arm around him.

“You okay?” I whispered softly, and he turned to me, appearing surprised by my comment.

“Yeah. You?”

I smiled and he grinned back, assuring me we were fine.

“Is that better?” I asked Bryan, who was jotting notes in his tablet with his stylus.

“Much better.”

“This work for you?” I asked Keegan, tightening my hold around him.

“It’s perfect.”

That shouldn’t have made me swell with pride the way it did, but I couldn’t help myself.

“Hey, just no making out or anything, you guys,” Bryan added. “That’s tacky. And, Keeg…or Keegan, first, I need to know what they’re supposed to call you in interviews.”

“Do you want to write down Hot Lips?” I joked and side-eyed Keeg, watching him trying to stifle that perfect smile of his. The way he fought it made me think of how he’d hidden that sexy-ass part of himself with the panties. It wasn’t right. He should have flaunted those aspects of himself with pride—like he could flaunt his skills with a dick.

“To start, what we’ll be doing is working our way through a series of questions and answers,” Bryan went on, “that are likely what you’ll have to deal with in your first interview together. This will serve as a getting-to-know-you experience, considering the circumstances. And it will help us establish what you may need to find new verbiage for, which I will offer suggestions for as well.”

“Sounds cool,” Keegan replied, nodding.

“Oh, you Americans have such a way with words,” Bryan said with an annoyed smirk, as though already irritated with Keegan. “And you need to decide if you will be going on major international interviews wearing baseball caps, so if you don’t plan to, I suggest you go ahead and remove it.”

Keegan was already reaching for it when I said, “The cap stays,” through my teeth, in about as serious a tone as I imagined Bryan had ever heard me use. “Does that sound cool, Bryan?” I asked, deliberately using the words he’d been so snippy about with Keegan.

“Noted and decreed, Your Highness,” Bryan said, smiling and raising his hands in apparent surrender. As much of a dick as he could be on occasion, he knew when he’d stepped in it.

With my ground rule of backing-the-hell-off-Keegan clear, Bryan began the interview, with Frederick taking notes and offering occasional comments throughout. It was the basics, much of which I’d already learned through my discussions with Keegan.

No curveballs or surprises until Bryan said, “Both of you have experienced the serious loss of a parent, Keegan being not only adopted, but losing his adoptive father, and Owen his parents, Queen Tara and King Gregory. Is this something that helped you bond initially?”

I could feel my cheeks turning white.

I checked Keegan’s response, instinctively drawing him closer.

“I-I…” he stammered.

It was a weighty question, one Bryan had delivered with total disregard for either of our feelings on the matter. Normally, I appreciated his candidness in Q&As like this, but with another person—namely Keegan—involved, I found myself outraged. Of course, I could tell by Bryan’s expression he was just awaiting a response, not picking up on Keeg’s clear discomfort.

“We’ll skip that one for now,” I spit out, trying to keep from making a scene, but it was clear by the way Bryan’s head popped up from looking at his tablet that he was surprised by the way I said it. He glanced between us, nodding, before moving along to other questions.


