Shiver Read Online Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott (Unbreakable Bonds #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Suspense, Thriller Tags Authors: , Series: Unbreakable Bonds Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 109523 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 548(@200wpm)___ 438(@250wpm)___ 365(@300wpm)

“He’ll be fine,” Snow offered up, his voice pitched so low that it barely carried over the music.

Lucas dropped his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, his façade cracking with a heavy sigh. He took another breath and Snow started to reach for the arm resting on the table when Lucas lifted his head, blinking as the controlled mask fell back into place.

“You’re right.” Without looking at him, Lucas grabbed Snow’s hand and squeezed. They were still good.

Before Snow could come up with a response, a sexy grin and blatant invitation caught his eye. The man stood next to the hall that held the restrooms and as soon as Snow snagged his stare, that grin grew wider. He had dark, curly hair and a long elegant body and smile that reminded Snow of that damned paramedic at the hospital. Heat curled in his gut. Here was a way he could kill the film reel of that woman and her terror, something to temporarily drown out his worry about Lucas and his friend’s obsession with his bodyguard. “Seems there’s something somewhat decent here after all. I’ll be right back. This shouldn’t take long.”

Lucas turned to look in the direction Snow had and shook his head. “Thought you’d gotten bathroom hookups out of your system years ago.”

“Good blowjobs are never out of the system and that is a good one just waiting to happen.” Snow stood and made sure to keep eye contact with the guy as he walked up to him, then past him. He didn’t bother to look back—he’d be followed.

Empty stalls greeted him and as soon as the guy walked into the restroom behind him, Snow had his shirt in his fists and was backing him into one of them. He kicked the door shut and turned his face when the man tried to kiss him. He wasn’t here for that. Instead, he opened the fly of his slacks, ran his hand down a taut, muscled chest and lifted an eyebrow. The guy dropped to his knees. Snow could read this sort of thing right every single time. Some men loved to give head. Some men, like him, loved to receive. Though, he did have his times he liked giving just as much. Writing on the wall above the man’s head read, “For a good time, call Jehovah.” Snow smirked, tilted his head back and closed his eyes, more than ready for something good to come out of this night.

The slam of the outer bathroom door didn’t faze him as the man opened his slacks further with eager fingers and dove in.

“He’s here. Has a new bodyguard, but tell the boss the fighter came through.”

Even the strong suction on Snow’s dick couldn’t keep him from paying attention then. He put his hand on the head below him to stop him and angled his own to try and look between the door and the stall wall.

The hooded figure on his phone reminded him of Lucas’s description of the men who’d attacked him. Fury filled him and he had to work to rein it in as he tapped the guy in front of him on the head. He shook his head no, gave him what possibly resembled a polite “never mind” smile then shoved open the stall door. He didn’t bother to refasten his pants.

Before the new man could shut down his call, Snow had him against the wall with both hands on his throat. “Tell who the fighter came through?”

“Hey! What the hell, man? Get off me!”

He squirmed but Snow merely tightened his fingers. “I’m a doctor and I know exactly where I can hurt you…” He tightened his fingers again. “Or worse. It’s just your bad luck I happened to be in this bathroom and heard you.”

“Dude, I’m not a fag!”

Snow chuckled, loving the way the man’s face bled white with the noise. “I have no interest in putting my dick anywhere in you. I just want to know who you work for.”

“None of your damned business!” The words came out strangled because of the pressure Snow was putting on the man’s throat.

“I’ve seen you at the hospital before. You’re a fighter. Tell me who sent you to check on my friend.”

“Hey,” another voice interjected.

Snow had forgotten all about the man he’d left in the stall. “You don’t want to be a part of this. Catch you someplace else sometime.”

“Sure. Whatever.” The bathroom door slammed behind the guy as he left.

“Look, man. I don’t know who is calling the shots. I was paid to come here and see if the rich guy showed. That’s it.” He shuddered. “Could you at least put your junk away?”

“I’ve got my hands wrapped around your throat and you’re worried about a dick?”

“I told you, I’m not a fag!”

“You’re not too bright either, are you? Just why do you think my cock is out when I wasn’t alone in that stall? Think we were having a fucking pee party? Maybe you should think about your choice of words.”


