The Lyon’s Cub Caitlin Read online Jordan Silver (Lyon The Next Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Lyon The Next Generation Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 172387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 862(@200wpm)___ 690(@250wpm)___ 575(@300wpm)

“It’s nothing Catalina, I must’ve hit myself somewhere.” Mom lied as daddy snorted and sat back as if waiting for what comes next. Catalina was already shaking her head no and I almost felt bad for mommy as the boys paid a lot of interest in what was on their plates.

“I think that’s blood vessels under the skin, but how did he do it? Does it hurt?”

‘”Here Catalina I got you that book you wanted to borrow.” I went through my bag to get the Atomic physics book she’d seen on my nightstand a few evenings before and had shown an interest in. Not sure what she wanted with it at eight, but then again, it wasn’t the first time.

Her eyes lit up and my ruse had worked as she soon forgot about mom’s hickey and dove into the book, breakfast forgotten. “Put it away Mengele, you know there’s no reading at the table. Kat can I get a refill?” He held out his mug and mom turned to grab the carafe her eyes still not meeting anyone’s.

The rest of breakfast was quite uneventful and I barely had a second of privacy to ask mom if she’d asked dad about school before we were heading out the door for the bus that could be heard pulling onto the street.

I saw the car with the security team waiting, as they are every morning to follow the bus. I’ve grown accustomed to seeing them there and no longer question their presence since daddy had never given an explanation for them being here.

I’d say it has something to do with what happened to Catalina a few months ago, but they were around long before that. In the beginning they were usually just around the house and wherever mom took us on her own, but these days they’re everywhere.

I ignored them and my peers on the bus because my mind was too preoccupied with my own problems. If mom still hadn’t talked daddy into letting me go I’m gonna have to come up with something. I only have a few days before I have to send in my acceptance and I’m tempted to go around him and do just that.

The fear of the fallout is the only thing keeping me back from doing it though. I heard my name from the back of the bus but didn’t turn to look. It didn’t sound like the person was calling for me, more like they were talking about me.

I recognized the voice and gritted my teeth. When will this idiot move on? Brian has been tormenting me in one way or another since I entered high school. He’d learned his lesson when Todd beat the stuffing out of him for messing with me almost four years ago, but lately he’s been feeling brave again.

Catalina who was sitting next to me turned to look but I pulled her back around. “Don’t sis, it’s nothing.” I looked at my brothers who thankfully were too engrossed with their friends to have heard.

They’re very protective of Catalina and I and I’m sure Todd had told them before leaving that they were supposed to look out for us; not like daddy hadn’t drilled that same thing into their heads since they were about eight.

Caleb had his headphones on so I didn’t have to worry about him, but I’ll have to remember to tell Catalina not to say anything to mom and dad. The conversation went on behind me, getting louder and louder as I’m sure was for my benefit.

“Dude you better not. Her old man has a badass reputation.”

“So? So does my dad. People only give her family preferential treatment because they have money. That’s why she walks around with her head in the air like she’s better than the rest of us.”

“Nah, she’s cool people.”

“Look you in or not?”

“Nope, I’m not going anywhere near this shit.”

“Fine, but don’t go blabbing to anybody ya hear. I’ll take care of her myself.”

What does he mean by that? I wasn’t really afraid; everyone knows that Brian’s just your average bully whose bark is worst than his bite. “Turn around Catalina he’s not worth it.” Her little face was set up like a thundercloud.

I didn’t take him seriously and by the time we got off the bus I’d all but forgotten about him. No one would be stupid enough to mess with me here, not only because I know how to take care of myself, but the twins, Aiden and Quint have the reputation of pounding anyone who dares mess with either of their sisters.

Usually it’s Catalina the rest of us have to look out for. She’d been sent to the high school way earlier than I had and with her tiny stature it’s easy to imagine her being picked on by the bigger kids.


