Tryst Read Online Free Books Novels by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 43284 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 216(@200wpm)___ 173(@250wpm)___ 144(@300wpm)

It wasn’t, not really but the fact still remained, he got me one so he had to get her one too. Don’t ask me why this shit burns my ass, it’s not like I’m jealous of her or their relationship, at least I don’t think I am. But it feels more and more like everything in my life hinders on her and what she’s gonna do think or feel. Fuck that, I don’t want the stupid jeep or his stupid dick anymore.

I could feel myself slipping into that danger zone, the same one that had got me the fucking of my life a few weeks ago in the damn dirt, but this is bullshit. Things have been going so well here lately. We were closer than ever before, even our afternoon trysts were more intense and more and more he was doing everything to prove to me that I was more than just a cheap lay.

Like flowers when I wasn’t expecting any, and little gifts that I had to keep hidden from the rest of my household because they were fucking thieves. I loved the little trinkets and stuff, but nothing made my heart sing like it does when he showers me with his whole attention.

Those days or rare nights when it’s just him and I, the way he looks at me, touches me, talks to me. I wish I could bottle them up for times like this when I want to bash him in his stupid man face.

“Brianna the light’s changing move.” I folded my arms and looked straight ahead. I was so hurt I could cry, but the funny thing is, I had no idea why. Was it because he didn’t get it, didn’t get why I felt this way, and I had the feeling he never would? Was it because I loved him so much that I hurt, but he could never think of me without thinking of her?

I felt like a shit for that last thought, but there you have it. He sighed loud and hard before climbing out of his side and moving around to mine. People were already starting to blow their horns and the look on his face when he opened my door did not bode well. I forgot how pissy he could get when his every command wasn’t obeyed. Tough.

“Move over. I said scoot your ass over before some asshole sideswipes my ass.” Oh yeah, that. I scooted over to the passenger side and tried not to show any fear at his gruff attitude. It had been a while since I’d seen him anything but happy or horny, how soon we forget. Still, this shit has got to stop. How does he expect me to feel when he does shit like this? “Exactly what is your problem now?” I rolled my eyes at his stupid ass question.

“Don’t be so fucking dense.” Ooh, shit, if looks could kill. He turned a beauty of a glare my way and had me stumbling in my thoughts. “What did you say to me?” There was a line of red climbing up his neck and that tic in his cheek was going into overdrive.

Still the little monkey on my shoulder would not let me back down, each time I did we only ended up back here. I was sick and tired of the bullshit and he could take his jeep and shove it up his ass if he thought…

“You’ve lost your fucking mind? Is that it?”

“I just wanna go home.” I kept that pissed off look on my face even though inside I was shaking like a leaf and close to tears. I was so mad I could spit, all the joy over the pretty new jeep gone.

Was I being unreasonable, was it too much to ask that he think of me for once without having to make it up to someone else? He didn’t say anything else as we drove back to the showroom but his death grip on the steering wheel was a dead giveaway.

I knew he was already beyond pissed, that’s why I don’t know why I did what I did next. The sales guy whom I hadn’t hardly noticed or paid attention to the first time around came over to see how everything went.

Now here’s the deal, whenever I’m out and about with daddy which is a rare occurrence in itself and usually involves travelling to at least the next town over, I go out of my way to look extra special. I can afford to do this now, because one of the things daddy had done in the last month or so, was set me up with an allowance.

The first time he handed me the new little bankcard with my name on it I accused him of treating me like his kept woman. He of course blew a gasket and had a minor meltdown as per usual before fucking my brains out in his kitchen to prove his point. I was his one and only and it was his job to take care of me. So, with that settled I got down to some serious retail therapy, and daddy was not a cheapskate.


