Blunted (Rush Riders MC #1) Read Online M.N. Forgy

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Rush Riders MCSeries by M.N. Forgy

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 57406 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 287(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

“Whatever, I just want a place to go where I can be alone. No bullshit going on. We've had enough turmoil in our lives, Flynn. Hell, we still do, dealing with the club,” I try to explain my behavior. Flynn and I used to fight together in the Army, been like brothers since, and the guy still can’t figure me out.

“That's true.” He nods, agreeing.

“Besides, you’re one to talk, Mr. Cabin with thirty acres, out in the middle of nowhere,” I sneer sarcastically.

Before Flynn can reply, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Taking it out I see Bley is calling. “Ah, speaking of the devil,” I mumble, putting my finger up to motion that I need to take this.

“Tell me you have good news, Bley,” I demand, answering the phone.

“Uh, I wish I could, Lincoln, but I'm sorry to say there is nothing I can do,” he states nervously.

“The property owners are in Spain and won't take my calls. The real estate agent I'm dealing with is gallivanting around Europe and can't be found. I even tried talking to Mrs. Ruth, the woman from the real estate management company who rented the unit, but she would not even consider trying to find the girl a new place. Said she already showed her every available unit in this town already,” he informs, and my teeth grit from the rage building inside of me.

“Jesus, Bley, you’re worthless, you know that?” I snap.

“Lincoln, I will keep my eye on the situation but, seriously, it's only a year. Besides, the girl is nice and cute as fuck,” he replies defeated.

“I'm not looking for a date, Bley, I'm trying to buy a building. Besides, how do you know she is nice and cute as fuck?”

“Lincoln, I'm sorry but for right now you only have three choices here. You can try to pay the girl to move. You can make her life so miserable there she will want to move, or you can just wait the year out,” he suggests, not answering the second half of my question.

“Those are my choices? Jesus, Bley, do I seem like the kind of man who wants to play games? Get something done and don't call me back until you do.” I end the call.

“Take it things aren't working out,” Flynn quips with a grin on his face.

“Shut the hell up,” I fire back, turning to walk out of the club.

“Where are you going?” Flynn asks, chuckling.

“To get this stupid girl to move the fuck out of my building.” I slam the door behind me.

I get in my car, not in the mood to get my bike out of the clubhouse garage and drive back to the condo. On the way, remembering Bley's description of her, “nice and cute as fuck.” Great, she will probably have the place full of giggling girls, listening to rap music, and painting their damn nails and shit all night, keeping me up. Well, I’m sure as hell not going to pay this girl shit. I guess I'm taking option two then, try and make her life miserable so she wants to move. Jesus, what the hell has my life become?



Pulling into the parking lot of the condo, I see a truck backed up to the door. What the hell! I skid the car in a parking slot, slam it into park, and get out, stomping over to the truck. Who the hell drives over a curb and on top of a sidewalk? Running my hand through my hair, I scan the route from the curb to the truck that I now notice is blocking the entrance to the building. Music is blaring so loud I can't even hear myself think. Blood-boiling mad, I march over to the truck—noticing it is full of boxes—before I lean across the tailgate to see inside the building. Waiting a few seconds, I see her coming down the stairs, actually, I think she's dancing? Her hands are doing some weird dance moves in the air as she shakes her hips. She takes one step down but then steps back up and then steps back down. Yep, she's dancing, and Christ, at this rate it's going to take her all day to get to the bottom landing, much less move all these boxes.

After a few seconds of watching her dance my blood pressure returns to a normal level, and I realize she is damn cute. Actually, strike that, she is damn sexy. She has a thin frame, her handful-sized tits bouncing under her tank top make my dick twitch. She turns a little and I can see her delectable ass, two perfect globes pressing against skintight jeans. Damn, I lick my lips, wanting to reach out and cup them in my hands. Suddenly she turns in my direction and sees me staring at her. Her mouth drops open and she freezes mid dance, her hands in the air, her hips shifted to one side, and I have to bite my cheek to keep from smiling. She regains her composure, straightens her body, and drops her arms down to her sides.


