Blunted (Rush Riders MC #1) Read Online M.N. Forgy

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Rush Riders MCSeries by M.N. Forgy

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 57406 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 287(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

Startled, her head shoots around and her eyes go wide when she sees me. “ long have you been there?” she asks, her face turning bright red with embarrassment as she notices I am staring at her ass.

Licking my lips I mutter, “Not long enough.” She sighs as she turns back around and finishes wiping up the last bit of water. “I'm sorry,” I say chuckling, I’ve obviously made her nervous, again. I can’t help myself, when I push her outside of her comfort zone, I get a glimpse of that naïve woman and it undoes me. Being around women who have been with dozens of men, not afraid to show their bodies, and will do anything for attention… inexperienced seems to entice me.

“Are you?” she retorts, putting the pile of wet paper towels in a trash bag she has sitting in her open doorway.

“Maybe.” I’m not. “But don't forget I was the one flat on my ass a few minutes ago, so really this just makes us even,” I say, pointing to the landing floor.

“Yes, you were.” She giggles almost t herself as if it’s funny, then stands up. “I'm really sorry about that. Are you okay?”

“I'll live.” I nod smiling. Leaning back on the step behind me, I place my hands behind my head and go straight into my questioning.

“Why do you do it?”

“Do what?” she asks confused.

“Give weed to cancer patients.”

“Who told you that?” she asks, leaning against the wall. Her shoulders tense, and the vein in her neck pulses with fear.

“Who do you think?” I ask, grinning.

“Billy told you how it works?” she asks, but it’s really more like clarifying.

I nod yes and reply, “I know you work for a flower shop, and you hide the stuff in vases of flowers, then deliver them to the person.”

“Fucking Billy....idiot,” she mutters, shaking her head.

“Well, I won't argue that, but you need to understand Billy and I live by a code where there are no secrets.”

“No secrets? What? Like married people lying in bed telling each other about their deepest darkest truths during some pillow talk?” she sasses.

“Easy, sweetheart, remember what I did to you the last time you pissed me off.” I wave my palm at her. God, I want to do it again, to hear her supple cries, real ones. Not the shit women at the club do when I spank them. They watch too much porn, moaning and loud. It’s annoying.

Her face turns red, clearly remembering the spanking I gave her. Looking down at the floor, she chews on her bottom lip for a few seconds and then continues, “Have you ever seen anyone going through treatments for cancer?”

“No, I haven't.”

“Well, they take you as close to death as you can get without really killing you, but you wish someone would.”

I nod, I don't have any way to argue what she is saying.

“How long have you been doing it?”

She looks to the ceiling thinking, and then answers, “About eight or nine months.”

“How have you not been arrested yet? I would think even as much as your helping these people, someone would have told on you.”

“I have.” She shrugs, looking at me.

“Really, tell me about it.” I sit up interested.

“I can't, there are some details to the story that if blabbed could cause problems.”

“Blab? I'm not a teenage girl. Besides, your helping Billy's grandmother. I wouldn't risk you not being able to do that anymore.”

She sucks on the inside of her mouth, thinking for a minute, before sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. Leaning her head back, looking at the ceiling, she sighs and begins telling me the story of her arrest.

“I was delivering a couple of vases and had just turned onto Madison Street when a police car pulled out of the parking lot of Sam's Market, coming up right behind me. He immediately hit his lights; I pulled over. After looking at my driver’s license, the officer asked me to exit the vehicle, then cuffing me he said there was an A.P.B. on me and he needed to take me downtown to the station. Arriving at the police station, I was fingerprinted, and my photo was taken. After that they led me back to an office, putting me in a chair that sat in front of a big wooden desk. I was so scared, tears had just started to form in the corners of my eyes when an officer, well, it was not just an officer, it was Lieutenant Chapman. Anyway, to make a long story short, Lieutenant Chapman had been looking for me. His wife had just started treatments for breast cancer and was not doing well, she was very sick. With his position he could not go out and get marijuana from just anybody, and he didn’t want his name on anything as far as dispensaries went. He needed someone he could trust to be discreet. So, we struck a deal, I supply his wife and in the future anyone else or their family on the force with marijuana that was going through treatments. In return, the police department would overlook what I am doing as long as I continued to never charge the cancer patients. I am also never to supply or sell recreational marijuana to anyone. If I do, all bets are off and I will be arrested. With a handshake the deal was done and before I left, he took the report, fingerprint card, and my photo over to one of those little shredders and destroyed all of it right in front of me.”


