Her Filthy Bodyguard – Forbidden Fantasies Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 16066 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 80(@200wpm)___ 64(@250wpm)___ 54(@300wpm)

This morning, I woke up in his arms, using his muscular chest as a pillow, his arms around me like he was caging me in, protecting me even asleep. It was so sweet I couldn’t even handle it.

Even now, I smile whenever I remember everything that’s happened between us. It all feels so…right. My heart thumps hard in my chest when I think about Enzo.

I’m so lost in my own thoughts, I don’t notice Ben until he’s right beside me.

He leers at me, his gaze roving me in a way that makes my skin feel itchy. I jump out of the stretch, tucking my knees up to my chest defensively.

“Pretty damn flexible, aren’t you?” Ben comments with a lopsided grin that makes me feel nauseous. “I bet you can bend yourself into all sorts of positions.”

Oh ew!

I suppress the urge to actually gag at Ben’s disgusting comment, though there’s no hiding the way the blood drains from my face in response. I know he sees it because his smirk dies and his eyes harden.

I gulp. “Stop,” I say, trying to keep my voice strong and clear despite the way I start to shake under his glare. “That’s not professional.”

Any hope I had that he’d take my rebuttal and apologize dims when he steps closer to me. I get to my feet, adrenaline beginning to rush through my blood. Ben might be one of my bodyguards, but he isn’t looking like he wants to protect me right now. No, he looks like he wants to hurt me.

“Professional?” he barks, shaking his head. “And do you think fucking your bodyguard in the shower is professional, huh?”

I gape at him, jaw hanging open. I feel cold all of a sudden, like his words have turned the air to ice. Anger flares through me, fighting with the fear in my system. My shaking hands tense to fists at my side, and I stumble away, trying to put distance between us. But he just steps forward, eating up the distance until my back hits the wall and I’m trapped. He’s so close to me that I can feel his breaths tickle my skin.

He’s as big as Enzo, all hard as stone muscle and honed fighting instincts. But that’s where the similarities between them end. Enzo’s height and build make me feel protected, the size difference between us exciting me instead of scaring me. With Ben towering over me, however, I’m all too aware of the fact I have exactly zero self-defense knowledge and Ben has literal years of it.

I’m so screwed.

He leans closer, and I shove at his chest, but he doesn’t move an inch. It’s like everything happens in slow motion as his hand cups my waist, squeezing too tight. I can’t breathe properly. No matter how hard I fight to get away, squirming and pushing and turning this way and that, the distance between us gets smaller instead of larger.

He reaches up to cup my chin, holding my face in place with a painful grip. His face is so close to mine. I squeeze my eyes closed to try and shut out reality as he leans in to put his disgusting mouth against mine.

But the kiss never comes.

My eyes fly open because Ben is ripped away from me, freeing me from his grasp. I gasp, swaying on my feet and trying to find my balance, eyes wide to take in the scene before me.

Relief sweeps over me so fast I feel dizzy.

Enzo’s here.

He grapples Ben to the floor, fists flying, both men grunting and shouting as they wrestle with each other. Ben bends his knee, hitting Enzo in the gut in an attempt to knock him off him. I wince, fear spiking while I watch, helpless where I stand against the wall.

The relief and excitement I felt knowing Enzo jumped to protect me without hesitation is dulled by the sick feeling of fear when Ben lands a punch on Enzo’s jaw. They’re equally matched for size and experience, and I can’t keep track as they move with insane speed, the sound of fists hitting flesh echoing off the walls.

I press my hand over my mouth to stifle another gasp. Enzo leaps to his feet, leaving Ben groaning on the floor, cupping his balls. I can’t help the grin that forms on my face at that. The asshole deserves to be kicked in the dick for the things he said to me.

Before Ben can regain his footing and try to fight again, Enzo grabs a weight off the rack beside me, stalking back over to Ben’s prone body. I squeeze my eyes shut as he crouches beside Ben’s head, the weight raised in his hand. There’s a shout, then a thud, and then…silence.

After a minute, I risk peeking out again. All the air leaves my body in a rush, and the relief I feel doubles. My knees go weak and I sink to the floor, watching Enzo drag Ben into an upright position on the opposite wall. Ben’s unconscious and limp, but his chest rises and falls with even breaths that tell me Enzo didn’t kill him the way I thought he might. I can’t tell if I’m relieved or disappointed by that fact.


